Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Israel's Bloodstained Hands

British MP George Galloway is right calling Israel "an illegal, savage and barbarous state."
It "has more (UN) censures against it than the rest of the countries in the world put together…"
It "refuses to abide by resolutions and continues to illegally grab land and persecute their rightful owners…"
It "uses its military to blockade and murder the people of Gaza."
He retracts not one word he said. He continues "forcefully condemning Israel."
"It remains the case that there is a worldwide boycott of Israel, its goods, its services, its academics," he said.
"I hope the citizens of Bradford will join me in refusing to treat with the advocates of this hateful and oppressive regime and truly make Bradford an Israel-free zone."
A previous article discussed Galloway's outspokenness. His forthrightness. On all major world and national issues. Especially ones mattering most.
He's passionately anti-war. Anti-Zionist. Anti-extrajudicial viciousness. He's unapologetic about his views. He forthrightly supports Palestinian rights. He's done so for decades.
He declared his West Bradford district an "Israel-free zone." Israelis aren't wanted here, he stressed.
"We don't want any Israeli goods. We don't want any Israeli services. We don't want any Israeli academics coming to the university or the college," he said.

readmore: Israel's Bloodstained Hands

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