Friday, January 2, 2015

Is A Peaceful Resolution of The Israel-Palestine Conflict REALLY Possible?

I’ll begin my answer by saying that for some weeks I have been suppressing in my mind the conclusion that Palestine is a lost cause and that there is no point in me continuing to devote a great deal of time (as I have done for three decades) to writing books and articles which expose Zionism’s version of history – the version upon which the first and still existing draft of Western history is constructed – for the propaganda nonsense it mainly is. In other words I was close to concluding that I should close my Palestine file.
And while I was debating with myself about whether or not to do so I could see only one most likely end-game scenario, in two parts.
In part one, when Israel’s leaders conclude that they cannot break the will of the occupied and oppressed Palestinians and cause them to surrender on Zionism’s terms or, better still, pack up and leave to make a new life elsewhere, there will be a final Zionist ethnic cleansing of Palestine.
In part two, when the rising, global tide of anti-Israelism is transformed into anti-Semitism, there will be another great turning against Jews everywhere. This would be good news for Zionism’s leaders because it would enable them to say something like the following. “The world has always hated Jews and will always hate Jews, and that’s why Israel was created – to be a refuge of last resort for Jews everywhere. It is also why we will do whatever is necessary to keep this refuge secure. World, if you don’t understand that – go to hell.”

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